Tuesday, April 21, 2020

3-Ingredient Avocado Ice Cream

It is the hottest season of the year and so we are craving for ice cream. Sharing with you how to make a 3-ingredient ice cream with avocados. Super good for all of us – healthy, not too much sugar and easy to make. You can prepare this in just a few minutes.
Thankful that there are available avocados even during ECQ
Here are the three ingredients that I use: 
  1. Avocado – the star of the show! Avocados have a smooth and naturally creamy texture that makes it such a perfect candidate to throw in smoothies and even make into ice cream.  
  2. Fresh Milk – you may use coconut or almond milk if you want if you prefer a low-calorie alternative
  3. Condensed Milk – you may use stevia or honey as a healthier option
Because we are under Enhanced Community Quarantine, these are the only ingredients available in our kitchen. Others may prefer more cream (add Nestle Cream) or top it with almonds or nuts. One tip though, add lemon juice to prevent the avocados from turning brown.

The smooth and consistent mixture we need to achieve
Here are the steps:
  1. Slice the avocado and put all the ingredients in a NutriBullet Blender. Adjust the proportions based on your preference. You may also use an ice cream maker to achieve the same texture or whip it up manually.
  2. Blend all the ingredients together. Afterwards, it will look like a super thick vibrant green smoothie, and that is exactly what we’re looking for!
  3. When the mixture is smooth and consistent, transfer it from the blender to a loaf pan, put a tightly-wrapped plastic or clean wrap on the ice cream’s surface to avoid discoloration and freeze for a minimum of four hours. I did mine overnight.
Afterwards, you’ve got homemade avocado ice cream! Enjoy this refreshing treat with your loved ones. Stay healthy and stay home.

It’s time for a little summer treat while staying home. #StayHomeSaveLives

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